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Muro de la fama

muro de la fama de donantes

Donnors wall of fame

Agradecemos a cada uno de nuestros donantes por apoyar nuestra campaña. Estamos convencidos de que con las herramientas adecuadas podemos ayudar a los jóvenes a permanecer dentro del sistema escolar y a mantenerlos motivados a que sean agentes de cambio positivos en su entorno.

We thank each of our donors for supporting our campaign. We are convinced that with the right tools we can help young people stay in the school system and keep them motivated to be  agents of change in their environment.

Gerardo Falcón

There are no small contributions reward

Sandra Aljure

There are no small contributions reward

Juliana Toro

There are no small contributions reward

Iwoka is an NGO based in Pereira, Colombia since 2011. Since then, we have benefit more than +4600 children and young people, in 11 public schools preventing their school dropout. Our mission is to promote the integral development (human and cognitive) of young people in the last years of high school, so that they become transformers of their environment, with emphasis on the children of their own school. We believe in being able to transform society with and through young people, generating a multiplier effect, due to their capacity of innovation and transformation.  

During 2020 we have realized the need for young people to access education through virtual learning tools, assuring a good use by them. In our region 60 out of 100 young people do not have access to virtual classes due to the lack of hardware. Therefore, we have joined in a campaign with Inter-Cultur in Finland to raise funds that will allow us to give our high school students computers to help them build a brighter future.  

Donate to our crowdfunding campaign by selecting a reward from the list on the right of the crowdfunding page. We are so grateful for your support  

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